The most expensive samovars at the moment are the ones, made in the beginning of the last century in Faberge workshops. Silver, golden layering and unique technologies were used in their production.
Samovar from Tula with a capacity of 250 liters and weight of 100 kilos was made in 1922 and gifted to the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Mr. Kalinin. It took 40 minutes to boil water and 2 days for it to cool down. For that time it was the largest samovar in the world.
Nowadays the record for the biggest samovar stays with Ukrainians. The samovar weighs more than 300 kilos, is 1,8 meters in height and has a capacity of 360 liters. It works in the railroad station of Kharkov city and may serve tea to 10 thousand people a day!
For many years the smallest samovar was the 3,5 millimeters “microsamovar” by master V. Vasyurenko from the USSR Institute of Radiotechnics and Electronics, it could boil one drop of water. However Russian genius artisan, master of micro miniatures Nikolay Aldunin broke the record. His samovar is 1,2 millimeters! It is made from gold and was assembled from 12 parts.
In the XIX century tea has become the Russian national drink
Tea used to compete with sbiten, the most favorite drink in the Kievan Rus’. This hot drink was made with honey and medicinal herbs in sbiten pot. Sbiten pot visually resembles a kettle with a pipe for coal inside. Sbiten was usually sold during fairs.
In the XVIII century samovars-kitchens appeared in the Urals region and in Tula, they were divided into 3 parts, 2 for cooking food and 1 for making tea. Sbiten pot and samovar-kitchen were predecessors of the samovar.
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