Where and when did the first samovar appear? Who invented it? These things are unknown. We only know that when blacksmith and manufacturer from Tula Akinfiy Demidov went to the Urals in 1701 he took with him skillful workers, coppersmiths. It is possible that at that time samovars had already been manufactured in Tula.
During the reign of Peter the Great industry started to develop swiftly in Urals region, many copper-smelting and metallurgic factories were built.
One of such factories started producing household utensils from brass for the general population and somewhere in the 30-s of the XVIII century started producing kettles with a handle. A bit later factories started manufacturing large cauldrons and distilling cubs with pipes.
First mention of a samovar in historical documents is of 1746, but it is impossible to identify the precise date and time when it had appeared. However, it is for certain that by the end of the XVIII century principles of work and construction of samovar had developed and stayed the same till now.
Visually first samovars differed a bit from the contemporary ones. At that time they were used in principle for use in the field that is why they had small capacity and mountable legs.
The most popular capacity was 3-8 liters; bigger ones of 12-15 liters were produced too.
Because of the colder climate in most parts of Russia, people drank several cups of tea a day.
In addition, samovar would help to warm up the room. With all that, samovar had become very popular among people despite its relatively high price.
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